Stop LNG

LNG Exports Fuel

Take Action!

It’s Time To Stop New LNG Exports

In 2024, President Biden did the right thing by pausing federal approvals for new Liquified Natural Gas export facilities until the Department of Energy could properly study their impact on our climate, communities, and consumer prices.

We know that if DOE used the best available data, they’ll come to the same conclusion as leading climate scientists, doctors, and economists: new LNG exports are harming our environment, endangering public health, and driving up costs.

Add your name to our petition and tell President Biden and the Department of Energy it’s time to permanently stop all new exports of LNG!

The Facts:

Driving up prices

LNG exports are driving up energy prices for Americans. It’s simple supply and demand: the more gas we send overseas, the less that’s available here at home. By 2050, annual gas costs could be $14.3 billion higher as a result of LNG exports. A study found that exports could drive up electricity prices by as much as 40% in some regions of the country. That impacts businesses as well as individuals, which is why a coalition of leading American manufacturers support the pause on methane gas exports and urged the Department of Energy “to put U.S. consumers first, not last.”

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The Facts:

Poisoning Communities

The Facts:

Wrecking the Climate

New LNG Exports could add the equivalent emissions of 675 coal fired power plants.

New LNG exports are a climate disaster. That’s why more than 170 climate scientists signed a letter urging the Biden Administration to reject new LNG export facilities. While the industry sometimes touts “natural” gas as a climate solution, a recent study found that the greenhouse gas emissions of LNG exports are 24-46% worse than coal. The proposed new LNG export facilities in the US would release an estimated 3.9 gigatons of annual GHG emissions, the equivalent of 650 coal fired power plants, 850 million gasoline-powered vehicles, or the entire climate emissions of the European Union.